A Review of Corporate Sustainability Practice in Africa Part 1 The Competitive Advantages of the Creating Shared Value CSV Approach

Industry Reports Summary

Corporate sustainability is a holistic approach to conducting business while achieving environmental, social, and economic including financial goals and managing footprint to create more value for all stakeholders.It is common knowledge that Africa is faced with societal challenges slowing the prosperity of her people and her economy leaving many organisations, governments and communities puzzled as to the best approach needed to tackle these seemingly insurmountable problems. In this insight series, LBSSCs team of experts and researchers explore the various ways businesses on the continent are embedding sustainability. Parts 1 and 2 take a deep dive into Creating Shared Value CSV, a concept invented by Harvard professors Kramer and Porter and how it is currently practised using case studies of select organisations in Africa.This insight articles series highlights organisations in Africa that have prioritised applying sustainability thinking in business strategy and their approach to societal impact alongside profitability. Part 1 and Part 2 focus on companies practising the Creating Shared Value approach to corporate sustainability. The extent to which organisations grasp the delicate interplay between profit and purpose will define the future of responsible business on the continent. Organisations that master this balance will not only thrive economically, they will become great stewards of the environment and contribute positively to society. As businesses navigate the challenges of the continent, it is worthy of note that purpose and profit can be powerful allies in shaping the Africa We Want.


LBS Sustainability Centre - sustainabilityteam@lbs.edu.ng
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